"Pastdarg'omtumangaz" gas supply department, in connection with the preparatory works for the autumn-winter season of 2024-2025, the district's Middle Charkhin, New Industry, Madaniyirish, Koshchinor, Imamjon ancient monument, Shambulok, Ak "Sample gas" on May 22, 2024 from 08:00 to 18:00 in the neighborhoods of Altyn, Tinchlik, Boltali, Zangiboyi, Kuyi Dargom, Iskandari, Ravot, Kokani, Jaghalboyli, Qorovultepa supply of natural gas through the distribution branch is stopped.
‼️ In this regard, we ask citizens to take necessary measures.
"Pastdarg'omgaz" company apologizes for the inconvenience caused.